Category: Computers and Internet

  • On Knowing Millennials and Other Young Things

    On Knowing Millennials and Other Young Things

    As you’ve no doubt seen, there’s a lot of guff written about millennials and the younger generations these days. Most published writers and social anthropologists have long since left those youthful, care-free days behind. Which means, just as our grandparents struggled to understand us, it’s sometimes difficult making sense of the ways that younger people…

  • Murder Games – help your children stay safe online

    Last night saw the first airing of a gripping and heart-wrenching BBC Three TV docu-drama about the life and death of Breck Bednar, a 14-year-old Surrey schoolboy who was lured to his death after being groomed online. I’d urge all parents to make time to watch the TV programme; it’s incredibly insightful and will open…

  • The Beginning of the End for Apps

    The App Economy has been one of the stand-out successes of our burgeoning digital era. Companies like Apple and Google now generate billions of dollars of revenue from sales of mobile apps, and armies of clever developers have built entire businesses from releasing apps. But the need for apps has never been lower than today, and…

  • Find Your Growth Hub

    The opportunity to deliver a keynote speech at the excellent Enterprise M3 Annual Conference in Woking this month gave me cause to ponder the role of local government and business groups in promoting digital skills and capability development across the UK. With Wild Orange Media located just a few miles away in nearby Surrey, Enterprise…

  • The Enduring Power of Moore’s Law

    At Wild Orange Media we’re often asked (and caught talking) about Moore’s Law, the exponential growth principle first documented in 1965. Gordon Moore. then just a young engineer, made the far-sighted observation that technology, largely powered by silicon microelectronics, could repeatedly double in power in a fairly predictable way. It’s a principle that has shaped…

  • Wi-fi Security 101 – secure your router from outsiders

    Here’s a top Internet Safety tip: Don’t put your wi-fi router in the window with the wi-fi access code visible from the outside. Blindingly obvious perhaps, but it’s surprisingly easy to spot homes and businesses who fail this most obvious security test.

  • EU Cookie Law – just 80 days to comply

    Websites which target citizens of the UK (and, more broadly, the EU) have just 80 days to comply with the complex Privacy and Electronics Communications Regulations (also known as the e-Privacy or Cookies Directive) that requires prior user consent to be given before any data (e.g. cookies) can be stored on a remote user’s equipment.…

  • Are you a Geek or a Nerd? You decide.

    I think this makes me a, er, “Gerd”. Or should that be a “Neek”? (click to enlarge) Want more? You’ll find the full infographic here, courtesy of the team at Daily Infographic.

  • Web 2012: YOU are the product

    Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, when a shiny online experience is free to use, you are the product. Everything you do and say, everything you share, in fact everything of everything that happens through that experience becomes the property of the people who provide the shiny online experience. And the way…

  • How to disappear: deleting yourself from online sites

    I’m often asked what’s the best way to set up your privacy settings on social media and other online sites. It’s a complicated area and one that’s evolving rapidly. Facebook recently bowed to public and media pressure and simplified their privacy settings (if you haven’t reviewed your Facebook settings yet, do it now) and other sites…