What is ReadyAlready®
Growth Cycle?

People with a Future Ready Mindset are better prepared for the inevitable changes and challenges of the future. This means they see change as an opportunity for growth and make smart decisions every day about where to place their focus next.

But how can you develop and nurture such a positive approach to life?

Perhaps you’re already aware how quickly change seems to race towards us every day. There’s always something new to learn about. Technology fuels some of the change we encounter, but so do smart people with a hunger for progress. The only certainty now is that there’s more change coming, and it will never slow up.

The idea of a job for life is long gone. If you can’t keep up, you’ll soon be out the door. Yesterday’s dinosaur…

But when facing change at work, some people naturally prefer to stick to what they know and may hunker down to escape the new. Others may fight back, actively resisting change, even pushing competing agendas to block progress. And many more may just reluctantly and slowly roll with the change, ticking boxes and doing the bare minimum to keep up.

Sound familiar? In companies around the world, people report that keeping up is now tougher than ever. Gartner surveyed working people and found that 58% urgently need new skills to get their existing jobs done and 80% feel poorly prepared for the future.

That’s why we need a better approach to keeping up. We need a Future Ready Mindset.

When a change is necessary or inevitable, resisting or fighting back against it is detrimental to everyone, and often futile. It’s far better when leaders and teams embrace it with enthusiasm, creativity, and self-belief. That’s the only way to benefit fully from the opportunities it may bring, and stay one step ahead of competitors.

The ReadyAlready growth cycle

Allister Frost’s ground-breaking ReadyAlready® Growth Cycle has inspired thousands of busy professionals to explore new possibilities with curiosity, creativity, and brilliant communication. By leveraging three vital human superpowers, they’ve shifted to a positive, optimistic mindset where they proactively explore and plan for a brighter tomorrow. That’s how we can build a better future for ourselves and our colleagues.

Best of all? Everyone can do it! You just need a simple process and a collective commitment to explore, discover, and act.

A reminder of the 5 steps

Begin with your PERSONAL MISSION, “the heartfelt reason you love working in the service of others.” This singular truth is the guiding vision that will inspire you to create a meaningful and valuable future. And that’s why it lies at the centre of the ReadyAlready® Growth Cycle, to remind you to align and connect every step that follows to your unique Personal Mission.

Once you have found your Personal Mission, you’re ready to embark on these five repeatable steps:


Let’s bridge the gap between who you are today and the person you need to become. Make a list of all the work-related things you may need to understand better in the near-future. Now select your favourite. This is the one thing you will FOLLOW.

React stack of books

Let the adventure of discovery begin! Learn all you can about your thing, before deciding how to REACT to it. Armed with the knowledge you have gained, does it still seem important and potentially useful for your future? If yes, it’s a winner, move on!

(If no, go back to the FOLLOW step and pick something else from your list)


It’s time to unleash your first future-making human superpower! Suspend your experience and OPEN your mind by naïvely questioning your thing to challenge conventional wisdom and the status quo. Act like it’s your first day on the job; no question is too daft… Keep asking ‘why’ until the quick wins start to fly!

The word Surprise above a black lightbulb

Let’s unleash your second human superpower! SURPRISE yourself (and others!) with unpredictable, creative thinking to generate non-obvious and potentially valuable ideas. Think about your thing and ask “what if…?” to explore new possibilities and identify big wins that others cannot see.

The word Tell in a red cartoon speech bubble

The final, vital human superpower: brilliant communication! Carefully decide how to TELL the right people about your thing, so you win their support and encouragement. You can’t change the world alone, so you need to bravely share your discoveries, ideas, and dreams with the right people at the right time. This is where you shift from ‘thinking’ to ‘doing’ in your pursuit of positive change through collective action.

…and don’t stop there!

The ReadyAlready® Growth Cycle can help you learn and grow again and again. Once you’ve mastered one thing, restart the process by updating your FOLLOW list and picking a new thing to focus on. Depending on what you’re working on, it may take a few days or a few months to complete each cycle, but keep going. There’s always something new to discover that might help unlock a fabulous future for you! 🙂

Transforming leading companies including

You can kick-start
positive change and career-long growth.
I’ll show you how…

…why your comfort zone is a creativity dead zone?

…how Zen Buddhists learn afresh every day?

…why your hippos will love donuts?

Sample slides from ReadyAlready

Allister shares the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ behind his revolutionary ReadyAlready® Growth Cycle

…why fear rules over every change you face

…why the past is a terrible guide to your future

…how three human superpowers can make you indispensable at work forever!

How to cultivate a Future Ready Mindset

Help your organisation become future-ready with an energising keynote performance or interactive training experience with Allister Frost

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Image of Victoria Morris

Victoria Morris

Head of People, Linaker

Allister scored 4.97 out of 5; the highest speaker rating we’ve ever had. Attendees were amazed with the energy, creativity, and his hands-on approach.

Helena Fuker

Project Manager, HURA Croatia

Allister Frost was headline speaker at our Conference. From the feedback, his keynote was the best. Allister is a brilliant speaker for top-level events for CEOs and CMOs.

Oksana Knyazeva

Marketing & Sales Director, IPM

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