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How to raise $500k for a start-up

I like Buffer. It’s a great tool for posting staggered updates to social media channels and, as of last week, you can even schedule retweets now too.

I also like their great customer service.

But what I like most of all is their openness and generosity; two key ingredients for start-up success on the social web.

It’s these attributes that led Buffer to sharing the pitch deck they used to secure a $500,000 investment into their start-up, as well as the thinking process behind the slides.

We can learn a lot from the simplicity of Buffer’s pitch, as well as their use of compelling ratios and tangible proof of the traction their business was gaining.

Read the full story at OnStartups.com or flick through the slides below:

[slideshare id=20684215&style=margin-bottom: 5px; border-top: #ccc 1px solid; border-right: #ccc 1px solid; border-bottom: #ccc 0px solid; border-left: #ccc 1px solid&sc=no]

The slide deck we used to raise half a million dollars from Buffer