The Recession-Busting Vending Machine
Are you depressed about the world’s economic woes? Well, here’s a vending machine that puts a novel spin on bad news. Spotted at the recently opened Open Data Institute in London UK, this vending machine has been reprogrammed to automatically dispense free snacks every time recession-related terms make the headlines on the BBC News RSS…
The One Ronnie sketch: My Blackberry is Not Working!
Thanks to young Mr Lee Williams for sharing this most entertaining clip from a show soon to be shown on the BBC. The furious pace of our technologically-fuelled world is brought into vivid focus by this joyful reminder to enjoy the simple pleasures in our lives. This should make you 🙂 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG39jKi0lI&w=448&h=252&hd=1] The One Ronnie:…