Allister Frost
Durex Condoms In Social Media Flop
My friend Eileen Brown brought a delightful social media #fail to my attention today in her column on ZDNet. You’d have thought Durex Condoms would always play it safe, but their latest Facebook marketing campaign has turned into a bit of a flop thanks to a remarkable lack of planning (or should that be foreplay?)…
Allister Frost
How not to do Social Media by Thomas Cook
This is a lesson in how not to do social media marketing. Thomas Cook (the mammoth holiday tour operator) was too wrapped up in itself to spot a glaring opportunity right before its eyes. Read through the following screenshots from Facebook and keep going to the end where you’ll see the stark difference another travel…
Allister Frost
#FAIL: The 50 Greatest Social Media Screw-ups
Hot off the e-press is a fabulous new e-book that I’m very happy to recommend. Written by Bernhard Warner and Matthew Yeomans* of SMI, #FAIL catalogues the 50 most disastrous social media gaffes the world has seen. But, crucially, it also provides invaluable advice on what marketers should do to avoid finding themselves at the…
Allister Frost
Why so many Social Media projects fail
With thanks to Eileen Brown for bringing this to my attention, here’s a great little presentation that highlights why so many social media projects fail. Recognise any mistakes you’ve made? I do… Why Social Media Projects Fail?! – A European Perspective View more presentations from BSI.