Tag: internet

  • Introducing Internet Safety School for Parents and Carers

    Our mission here at Wild Orange Media has always been to help everyone benefit fully and safely from all the good things that our digital world has to offer. Yet one of the greatest threats we see in our internet-fuelled world today is to the safety and wellbeing of children. Left unattended, with unrestricted access…

  • Where the Internet lives

    They are some of the most awesomely powerful places on Earth. Yet most of us will never get to visit them, even though many facets of our everyday lives depend upon them. Google has recently opened the doors, giving a peek into some of its datacenters. At the Where the Internet Lives site you can…

  • It’s time to Get Safe Online

    It’s Get Safe Online Week and a timely reminder to all of us to think again about how we protect our personal data and identities on the Internet. If you’ve ever had to change a password because you realised or feared it had been compromised in some way you’re not alone. A new study shows…

  • A Day in The Internet: Just One of 200 Million Blog Posts Written Today

    Our digital world moves fast. So, here for your weekend delectation, is a thought-provoking infographic that shows just how much stuff happens each day on this thing we call The Internet. Enjoy! Created by: MBA Online

  • News Flash: our news habits are changing

    Gosh, these data bring things into sharp focus! We all know that our information discovery and consumption habits are going through some pretty seismic changes, but new data from the Pew Research Center in the US show how rapidly this change has come about. In 2010, the Internet surpassed TV as the main source of…

  • Not-Quite-Maslow’s Hierarchy of Internet Needs

    While Abraham Harold Maslow  spins furiously in his grave, Internet marketers are busy adapting his legendary hierarchy of needs for our new digitally-connected era. No surprise that the framework of Maslow’s thinking still stands the test of time today and we can draw reasonable parallels between the ways we express ourselves online and the more…

  • Internet Explorer 9 Beta – the start of something big

    The web tonight is awash with news of the release of the beta of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9 (IE9). At the risk of being accused of cronyism, this is a major development for web design and designers. IE holds over 60% share of browser usage (source: Wikipedia) and the release of IE9 beta therefore signals…

  • The Online Police: Understanding the ASA’s new digital media remit

    Last week saw confirmation that the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) will have a significantly extended remit to protect consumers from misleading or otherwise inappropriate online advertising from 1st March 2011. The ASA already polices all paid-for digital marketing activities; its extended remit gives it the power to monitor and highlight non-compliance of advertisers’ marketing…