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Being remarkable: Rethinking the receipt

We produce billions of them every day and I’ll bet most people reading this will have at least one in their pocket or bag right now. But the humble sales receipt has barely evolved in recent years, despite the power inside most cash registers having increased exponentially.

Cue London-based design studio, BERG, who have carried out a truly remarkable makeover of the sales receipt to show how this most common of items could easily evolve to keep pace with our tastes for information and entertainment.

BERG redesigned sales receipt example

BERG sought to make the receipt “delightful” and added factoids, snippets and graphical elements. All the functional price related information is still there, now right at the top of the receipt, but the rest of the sheet is given over to beautifully presented conversation starters to fuel the viral potential of this tiny piece of marketing collateral.

This is yet another example of how the ordinary can be transformed into the extraordinary. Every touch-point with your customers has the potential to delight them and give them reasons to want to do business with you again. What little things can you re-engineer to make every interaction with your company truly remarkable?

Further reading:
ICONEYE: Rethink the receipt
FLOWING DATA: http://flowingdata.com/2011/07/05/sales-receipt-redesign/


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