Category: Creativity

  • Netflix Socks Mean You’ll Never Miss A Show Again

    We’re pretty sure this is exactly what the Internet of Things was invented for. Simply (well, ‘simply’ if you’re an electronics and computing wizard) by following the instructions you can now make yourself a pair of socks that will automagically pause Netflix if you doze off. Yes, really! Netflix recommends you knit your own socks,…

  • Fighting the Online Bullies

    At our Internet Safety School events we typically talk about online bullying as something that only schoolchildren do to each other. But, with ever-widening access to technology, adults are increasingly using digital platforms to troll, abuse and intimidate others. In Brazil, Criola, an organisation that works to defend black women’s rights, decided to fight back by putting…

  • McDonald’s, Pink Slime, and Absolute Transparency

    McDonald’s has been doing some excellent marketing in recent years. It’s clear that the company understands the digital world and the need to operate more openly and transparently. Its excellent Our Food, Your Questions campaign is evidence of how much the company is changing. First launched in Canada, this is now one of my all time favourite social media…

  • Book List – Behavioural Economics and Persuasion Skills

    I’m often asked for some recommendations of good books on behavioural economics and persuasion skills, so here’s a quick list of some of my favourite reads. Click on the books to view each title on Amazon. Enjoy!  Fun to read, a great starting point in bite-sized chunks. Frankly anything by Dan Ariely is guaranteed to…

  • You Need To See The Hottest Words in Viral Headlines

    Knowing how to write a killer headline, subject line or tweet can make the difference between success and failure for your content marketing efforts. The simple truth is, it doesn’t matter how great your content is; if readers don’t get past the headline they’ll never know. Ripenn recently collated 2,616 headlines from four popular sites…

  • Twitter Launches Editorial Calendar Tool

    Shifting your social media marketing efforts from reactive, last minute posts to being pre-planned, proactive communications designed in advance to achieve a specific goal is an ambition that every social media marketer should aspire to. Twitter knows this and today rolled out a new service designed to help businesses and (it hopes, Twitter advertisers!) improve…

  • Little Delights and Why It Pays to Sweat The Small Stuff

    My first boss drummed into me the importance of paying great attention to detail in everything I did. But little details, he told me, are especially important when working on designs for products and communications materials. So it was great delight that I was recently introduced to a lovely site called Little Big Details, which…

  • Escaping FOMO and Living in the Moment

    Valentine’s Day is upon us. The annual opportunity to show how much we care for the people we love, usually through the medium of corny gift cards, flowers and chocolates. But it’s also a good time to reconnect with the simpler things in life. Our fast-moving digital world constantly fuels a nagging fear of missing…

  • Delightful Creativity from Putpockets

    There’s a very common mental state we  experience every day of our lives that makes us greatly underestimate the likelihood of something bad happening to us. Psychologists call it the ‘normalcy bias’, and it’s a pretty helpful thing. Without it, we would be less able to relax and enjoy our lives. Instead, we’d live in…