
Cadbury’s Hip Hamster – a YouTube first

imageHere’s a sweet bit of creativity from Australia: the world’s first round YouTube video.

This just goes to show that nothing’s sacred on the web. If you can dream it, it can happen!

How could this have been better? It took me several minutes to figure out that this came from the Cadbury’s team in Australia. I’ve never seen Dairy Milk chocolate on a roll and, living in the UK, may never be able to buy it. A little extra signage would have helped calm frustrated international viewers who want to buy the product. Plus, because this isn’t a regular native YouTube video, some of the controls don’t actually work, including the usual sharing facilities that can help content go viral. Still, with over 180,000 channel views, I’m sure this will have more than paid back the small cost of producing this quirky little video. Sweet!