Tag: video

  • Who’s Watching Webinars These Days?

    Webinar presenters will find a host of fascinating data points in BrightTALK’s DataLeaks 2013 presentation. Did you know for instance?: On average, 90% of the audience has shown up 15% of the way into each webinar. So, if you’ve something interesting to say, best save it until you’re about 20% (one fifth) of the way…

  • Hangout with MyWebPresenters

    Here’s a video of a Google Hangout I recently recorded direct from Wild Orange Media Towers with Neil Davidson, MD of MyWebPresenters. We chatted about effective measures of success for online videos, the viral myth, producing content that people engaged with and share, and my thoughts on what’s next for Wild Orange Media. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sqjUZF-bS8

  • My new video showreel

    Dear Reader, I’ve a new video showreel which features a brief selection of clips from some of my recent talks. Thought you might like to see it. All the best, Allister [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6kftfinonw]

  • The Science of Persuasion Video by Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin

    I often speak at conferences on the fascinating topic of behavioural economics, much of which is rooted in understanding the psychological triggers that our simple human brains find irresistible. Dr Robert Cialdini is one of the world’s leading experts in this field and has recently teamed up with Steve Martin (no, not that Steve Martin)…

  • Powerful Data Visualisation from Autodesk’s Organic Org Chart

    Data, data, data. It’s the fuel behind a new world of discoveries and possibilities. Take this video from AutoDesk that vividly illustrates how the company’s organisational chart has evolved over 4 years from May 2007-June 2011. It’s not, perhaps, the most user-friendly way to present the data, but in the hands of an experienced observer…

  • Killed by Tech

    Eric Qualman writes some good books. His latest is out now and he’s plugging it, as ever, with a video that I know you’ll enjoy. But, before you watch, have a think about some of the things that have been killed off by technology in the last 20 years. Now watch the video and see…

  • Social Media World Forum Europe –The Measurement and Engagement Debate

    I recently joined a panel debate on stage at Social Media World Forum Europe in London to discuss the merits and challenges of measuring engagement in social media channels. Thanks to the team at MyNewsdesk UK, the video is now available for online viewing. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think of the…

  • Ad Placement: a matter of life or death (almost)

    Placing digital display ads has never been easier. You create your ads, pay your money, and a nice computer will automagically push them out across whichever networks you choose. But all this automation means fewer human eyeballs checking ad placements actually make sense. And most marketers I meet think about where they’d like to see…

  • A Day Made of Glass 2 – Unpacked

    Corning makes glass, but not just any old glass, the type of glass we see on screens and displays all around us these days. I really admired their February 2011 ‘A Day Made of Glass’ video which instantly positioned Corning as a thought leader whose glass you would be happy to find in any device…

  • Social Media: “I kind of hate it. I think it’s awful”

    I still enjoy watching US comedian Louis CK’s famous “Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy” TV clip where he lambasts people for not appreciating the simple things (and the amazing things) in life. His appearance on the Conan chat show became an online viral hit with 5.4 million viewings on YouTube alone. This weekend, Joe Higgins…