Category: Internet Safety

  • The Minimum Age to Use Facebook (and more)

    One of the key messages I used to teach parents at Internet Safety School was the age their children should be before they can legally use popular sites online. It’s little known  that most social networking sites require users to be at least 13 years old before they can sign up. And for e-commerce sites…

  • Don’t get SWAMmed–How LinkedIn is Fighting Spam

    Earlier this year LinkedIn quietly introduced a new featured called S.W.A.M. designed to reduce the volume of spam and unsolicited sales pitches on their platform. S.W.A.M. is short for Sitewide Auto Moderation and, in a nutshell, means that if one LinkedIn Group Manager blocks a person from their group, all future posts from that person…

  • Video: Social Media Etiquette

    Here’s some good advice for you and your colleagues. It’s blindingly obvious common sense, but sometimes it’s common sense that’s, er, less commonly used. [youtube=] Social Media Etiquette

  • How Facebook follows your every online move

    A colleague shared a blog post with me today that shows how Facebook can collect data about your online movements, even if you don’t click a ‘Like’ button or log in to Facebook. It’s a scary scenario, but one that may be being played out right now on your computer. Of course, we should also…

  • Data Privacy Day 2011 – are you location-savvy?

    Today is Data Privacy Day, a day designed to raise public awareness of privacy and data protection issues. Microsoft is a leading supporter of the campaign and recently commissioned research to gauge public awareness of how location-based services work and how the data collected is used. The vast majority (94%) of people who are aware…

  • Protect your online identity or risk being impersonated

    TechCrunch reports that a number of high profile business executives cluelessly accepted a Facebook friend request from someone impersonating Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, this weekend. The report also highlights privacy issues arising from the lack of e-mail authentication required to create a new account on Facebook. An unrelated study shows that 82% of babies…

  • Free e-book: Internet Safety

    The roads are getting congested, which can mean only one thing: the new school term has just begun. And with the start of a fresh academic year comes a new season of evening presentations that I’ll be giving to parents at schools across Surrey, Kent, and Berkshire to help them understand the importance of internet…