Tag: free

  • Productivity tip: Neat little email reminder service

    I started blogging in 2003 when I was Marketing Manager for Microsoft’s email technology. I used to write a lot about how to become highly proficient with email, calendaring and tasks in Microsoft Outlook. Some of my early posts are still accessible via Microsoft TechNet  and, even today, every now and then I see a…

  • Webinar: Doing Marketing in a Digital World

    I gave a webinar today, hosted by BrightTalk, as part of their Social Media Summit. I’d welcome your comments and feedback. Here’s a link to the on-demand show: View Here

  • Just released: free Microsoft Analytics for Twitter

    Here’s a powerful new way to compare activity on up to five different Twitter accounts, care of the team who created PowerPivot for Excel. Microsoft Analytics for Twitter allows you to create powerful visualisations of the last four days’ activity for up to five Twitter accounts or other search terms (e.g. your company name). The…

  • Superb diagram: Quickstart Guide to Social Media for Business

    There are three reasons I love this diagram by the gang at B2BENTO.com: It shows all of the major stages in any well-planned social media programme, it’s a fool-proof checklist for everyone from the most experienced “guru” to the complete novice, and, it’s free and shared with the world under a Creative Commons licence Click…

  • 10 free media channels every business can use

    In our digital age, marketers are getting used to thinking about three types of media: Paid: the media placements you buy with cold hard cash, like newspaper ads, sponsorship and ye olde Yellow Pages ads Owned: the media channels that are within your direct control like your website, newsletters, packaging and delivery vehicles Earned: the…

  • Free e-book: Internet Safety

    The roads are getting congested, which can mean only one thing: the new school term has just begun. And with the start of a fresh academic year comes a new season of evening presentations that I’ll be giving to parents at schools across Surrey, Kent, and Berkshire to help them understand the importance of internet…