Category: Inspiration

  • There’s No Such Thing as a Digital Marketer

    I’ve never felt very comfortable with the label ‘Digital Marketer.’ And to reflect this, I’ve been describing myself as “A Marketer in a Digital World” for about 5 years now, a badge I have worn with pride. But even this is starting to feel a little behind the times. The world is certainly digital, with…

  • Delightful Creativity from Putpockets

    There’s a very common mental state we  experience every day of our lives that makes us greatly underestimate the likelihood of something bad happening to us. Psychologists call it the ‘normalcy bias’, and it’s a pretty helpful thing. Without it, we would be less able to relax and enjoy our lives. Instead, we’d live in…

  • 50 Things You Don’t Need in 2014

    50 Things You Don't Need In 2014 from Wild Orange Media Ltd As 2013 draws to a close, I thought it might be fun to take a look at some well-loved things that suddenly find themselves obsolete in our fast-changing world. I can’t pretend this is a comprehensive list of all-things-obsolete, but coming up with…

  • This Is Not An Insight at Social Media Week

    It’s Social Media Week (#SMW) in London and other cities around the world.  And, like any social media conference, the microphone seems to attract more than its fair share of nonsense and misguided opinions masquerading as facts. Fortunately there’s a deliciously barbed anonymous Tumblr page to bring our attention to some of the most mindless…

  • How To Fly A Plane With A Hashtag

    It may be a barely veiled attempt to drive Twitter mentions, but you have to admire BA’s Race The Plane competition that’s running in the UK today. The campaign idea is simplicity itself. Twitter users can race (virtually) a BA jet flying from London to Toronto by tweeting with the hashtag #racetheplace. Presumably—although it’s not…

  • Top Picks for Social Media Week London 2013

    There’s just one week to go until Social Media Week hits cities around the globe, from Berlin to Mumbai and Bogotá to São Paulo. No prizes for guessing where I’ll be though: London! And this year I’ll be hosting a Content Cookery School breakfast briefing with Emarketeers where I’ll be exploring Content Marketing and the…

  • Which UK Brands Are Winning On Facebook?

    Socialbakers has released its latest report into top brand performance in the UK and, no surprise, big names like Amazon, Coca-Cola and iTunes lead the league when ranked on their number of followers. But “as any fule kno” measuring the number of fans alone is a pretty pointless exercise. Having fans counts for nothing if…

  • The State of Friendship in a Social Media World

    I’d love to attribute this image to someone, but I have no idea where it first appeared. But it’s great and says a lot about the shifting meaning of ‘friendship’ and the inescapable shallowness of many of our daily interactions in a digital world: Many thanks to whoever created this. I’m sure we’d make great…

  • June 2013 – Top UK Facebook Performers Report

    The Socialbakers’ report for June is now out. In it we learn that ‘Amazon UK’ is the UK’s leading brand page on Facebook with almost 3.5million local fans, ‘Up Your Viva’ is the leading media brand page despite losing fans since its peak in mid-May, Michael Ball gets more engagement on Facebook than George Michael,…

  • Being Creative Coffee Shop Style

    Open plan office workers know how hard it can be to focus on work tasks when surrounded by the hustle and bustle of office life. But researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered that working on creative tasks amidst ambient background noise can actually boost our creative ability. In scientific tests carried out on…