Category: Search Marketing

  • Google Removes Authorship Photos from SERPS

    Since 2011, writers and bloggers have had the option to have their photos displayed alongside articles and posts they have written that show up in Google’s search results. But that’s all about to change with alterations coming into effect over the next few days following an announcement by Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller. Gradually taking effect across…

  • Demystifying Digital Marketing in Dubai

    Next week I’ll be in Dubai, UAE, to deliver a new training programme entitled ‘Demystifying Digital Marketing’. The open course is a two-day programme, designed to coincide with the Middle East Event Show and Mktg Live, and will feature brand new training content covering everything from search engines to email, mobile marketing to UI testing. I’ve written…

  • Why Length Matters in Online Content

    The well-worn phrase “Size Doesn’t Matter” has no place in the digital marketer’s toolbox. Size, I’m slightly saddened to report, is everything. Get it wrong and your content simply won’t get consumed. Get it right and you could give your content a precious extra lift, boosting clicks, conversions and, ultimately, sales. Kevan Lee at Buffer recently…

  • 7 Steps To Turning Negative Keywords into Positives

    Search engine marketers know how important it is to think about the words that they don’t want their company or brands to be associated with. But few people apply the same keyword rigour when posting to social networks. In this post, I’ll explain why this is important and how you can turn negative keywords into…

  • Social data mining for successful copy

    There’s rarely any need for guesswork these days. If you’re writing marketing or sales copy and wondering what’s the best phrase to use, you would be well-advised to consult ‘The Internet’. Free search marketing tools like Google Adwords can give you great insights into the relative appeal of different terms, even highlighting how their usage…

  • Big Brands Always Win, Get Over It

    SEOMoz has built a well-earned reputation as the source of expert advice for anyone looking to improve their search engine marketing. While its focus has always laid primarily with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), the team has never shied away from offering broader advice about using paid ads in search or exploiting other digital channels. But…

  • How to Assess the Impact of Stopping Search Advertising: a Google Study

    It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to root out the motivation behind Google’s latest research finding that advertisers who stop buying paid ads on Google’s search engine lose lots of search engine clicks. So, in this post I’ll take a look at the research to help you navigate your way through the data. First up, Google’s…

  • New Digital Marketing Podcast: “The Frost Personality Continuum”

    I regularly listen to The Digital Marketing podcast by Target Internet on my commute to and from work, and recently recorded a guest interview for them which has been released today. You can download the MP3 of this podcast from here: The Frost Personality Continuum I recommend: subscribe to The Digital Marketing podcasts if you’re…

  • Google +1 data now in Google Analytics

    Much has been written about Google’s recently announced +1 service but now Google has added advanced analytical features that could help prove or disprove the value of this new tool. But first, what is Google +1? At it’s core, +1 is much like Facebook’s ‘Like’ feature. Website owners can add +1 icons like this: to…

  • Cricket and a broken window: how search engine advertising can be remarkable

    [image credit: Getty Images]I think I owe Lee Williams a beer or two as this is the second consecutive blog post I’ve written from a tip-off he passed my way. And this time, we’re talking about pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on search engines… Every marketer wants their brand and web site to appear high up in…