
Digital Surrey and some things I love to share

I had great fun last night at the Digital Surrey event where I was their guest speaker, talking about how society is changing as a result of the social web and what this means for marketers.

Whenever I give a talk or lecture, I’m sometimes surprised by what captures people’s attention the most. One free tool that everyone seems to love is available at www.timeu.se, where you can quickly find out how frequently and when certain words get mentioned online. Take it for a spin, it’s great fun, and often genuinely insightful. Here’s a graph, for instance, that proves once and for all than in the battle between vegetable, fruit and chocolate, there can be only one winner:

Vegetable vs. Fruit vs Chocolate
Source: cf8e9131

Another site that I like to share that always gets people thinking is Gary Hayes’ social media counter. To experience the effect of seeing the social web growing in front of your very eyes, take a trip to Personalize Media, and click the Social, Mobile, Games or Mobile buttons for some intriguing stats.

Finally, for this post anyway, anyone who’s lost sight of the incredible journey we’re on thanks to technological advances may benefit from a timely reminder from comedian Louis C K in his viral video sensation “Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy”. Enjoy!

Everything’s Amazing & Nobody’s Happy


Other helpful references:
Digital Surrey: http://www.digitalsurrey.co.uk/
Eileen Brown:
Pointless babble on Twitter: The Social Data goldmine « Eileens Social Technology