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Free Download – Planner for Facebook Advertising Targeting

We wrote previously about the awesome power of ad targeting in Facebook. But things just got even better!

With the recent addition of the Detail Targeting choices in Facebook it’s now possible to direct adverts towards people who maybe have an interest in one thing (e.g. Bodybuilding) but not in another (e.g. Running). This creates opportunities for incredibly precise targeting, allowing advertisers to seek out people with very specific preferences and serve them ads that will speak to their precise needs.

If you’ve done any advertising on Facebook previously you’ll know that creating a specific audience in the Power Editor can be painfully time-consuming./ And it’s difficult to see at a glance just how many options are available to you.

Step forward our magnificent (and now ever-so-slightly famous) Facebook Advertising Targeting Planning Document. It’s a 3-page document that shows all of the targeting options available for use in the UK today. If you’re focussed on a market outside the UK your choices may differ slightly, but the core groupings will be the same.

To download: head to www.wildorangemedia.com/downloads/ and click the relevant Download link.

Facebook-Ad-Targeting-Planning-DocumentWe recommend you print the 3 pages onto large sheets of paper, preferably A3 or bigger to make the choices legible and easy to navigate. Then, simply follow the instructions at the bottom of page 1. You’ll see that we’ve added ‘include’ and ‘exclude’ tick boxes against each available “Flex And-Or Exclusion” choices to make identifying your perfect target audience a breeze!

Finally, keep in mind that Facebook routinely changes the rules and some of the options available today may disappear in the future, or be supplemented with new choices. We’ll update this document when appropriate, but if you spot a new category that we’ve missed, drop us a line at office@wildorangemedia.com.

Good luck with your Facebook Ad Targeting programmes!


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