Category: Uncategorized

  • In Conversation with Roger Edwards

    In Conversation with Roger Edwards

    I recently chatted to Roger Edwards on his Marketing & Finance podcast where we talked about the sorry demise of marketing strategy, the flaws of the efficiency bubble, and how to do content marketing well. You can listen to our conversation in the player below, or read more and subscribe to Roger’s podcast here. Enjoy!

  • The Misery of Multiple Messages

    The Misery of Multiple Messages

    It’s often the most long-in-the-tooth marketing principles that are the most misused or ignored. Who’s got time these days for old-style thinking? It’s the digital era, grandad! Surely fresh, breakthrough approaches are needed, not methods built on decades of wisdom and experience? A quick glance at any email inbox will illustrate how so many marketers…

  • Channel Amnesia and Buyer Journeys

    Channel Amnesia and Buyer Journeys

    There’s a powerful phenomenon developing that I’ve been observing in recent years. As our internet-connected devices become ever more intimate, the content they provide has to also become more personalised and tailored to our desires. We’ve grown used to getting near-instant answers to every question, often with little more than a few keystrokes or a brief…

  • Free Download – Planner for Facebook Advertising Targeting

    We wrote previously about the awesome power of ad targeting in Facebook. But things just got even better! With the recent addition of the Detail Targeting choices in Facebook it’s now possible to direct adverts towards people who maybe have an interest in one thing (e.g. Bodybuilding) but not in another (e.g. Running). This creates opportunities for…

  • The Definitive Planning Guide for Facebook Ad Targeting

    UPDATE: We’ve revised our Facebook Ad Targeting Planning Document to reflect ongoing improvements form Facebook. Get the updated information here.     Targeting ads and posts on Facebook gets more interesting every week. I don’t know of any other ways that marketers can precision target “single College Graduates who are away from their family working in the Healthcare and…

  • Marketing Ethics Interview on Cambridge Marketing Review

    Shortly after giving a recent keynote speech for the Chartered Institute of Marketing at their annual Digital Conference in Cambridge I was interviewed by Kiran Kapur of Star 107.9 FM. My talk had been about the importance of marketing ethics and transparency, and the CIM’s Keep Social Honest campaign, and that’s exactly what Kiran wanted…

  • What Pay To Play Means For You

    I’ve been asked a lot recently about ‘Pay To Play,’ the rhythmical phrase used to describe the requirement for brands to now pay for a presence on social networking sites. But I haven’t posted about it here before, so here are a few answers to questions that marketers might have as they contemplate life in the Pay To Play…

  • The Top 50 UK Marketing Blogs

    Don’t panic, you’re in safe hands, allegedly… We’ve been named one of the UK’s Top 50 Marketing blogs in an exhaustive review by Contender Content. Which is nice… What’s even nicer is the list of 49 other useful marketing blogs that you can find at Among our favourite reads on the list are Distilled, Incisive Edge,…

  • How to instantly add every World Cup match to your calendar

    I’ve spotted lots of web traffic coming through to an old blog post I wrote around the time of the last World Cup, where I shared advice on how to add the football matches to your Outlook calendar. This tells me this is still a popular thing to do, so here are the simple instructions you…

  • Why Infinite Scrolling May Be Bad For Business

    In our multi-touch, high bandwidth digital world, the number of webpages with infinite scrolling is rising sharply. But it’s not always a good thing as I’ll try to explain in this short blog post. Infinite scrolling, where the page loads continuously as you scroll down, is an appealing feature for web designers looking to maximise…