
Lots of love for SMS texts for customer alerts

sms loveSending SMS texts containing sales and marketing messages is widely derided as intrusive and unwanted. But this criticism should be reserved solely for those companies who abuse this communication channel to shout advertising and promotional messages instead of thinking how they can use this channel more sensitively and opportunistically.

A new study by ExactTarget shows consumers are increasingly open to receiving text messages from companies for travel and financial alerts. And while email is still the most preferred channel for alerts of this nature, 1 in 4 consumers now say they prefer to receive travel alerts via SMS over any other available channel. Amongst 18-24 year olds, this proportion rises to 1 in 3.

The study findings are below (click to enlarge):

Exacttarget study results table

The key to great SMS text marketing lies in ensuring you only use this channel to serve high utility, time-based messages. So a text reminding you of the address of the conference venue you’re travelling towards may be welcomed, while a text asking you to register for the conference organiser’s future events will be rejected.

So don’t write off text messaging within your digital marketing strategy. If you go about it the right way it can create great value for both your customers and your company.