Quick Parts for Outlook 2007

If you find yourself inserting things like your address, maps, travel directions, disclaimers and your web site URL into emails over and over again, then Quick Parts could be your new friend.

Quick Parts are new to Outlook 2007 and Word 2007 and provide an easy way for you to quickly insert regularly used text into an e-mail or document. To get started you need to create your first Quick Part. Here’s how:

  1. In Outlook 2007, create a New Mail Message and click your cursor into the body of the e-mail editor (not in the To… or Cc… or Subject lines)
  2. Now type/paste the Quick Part details you’d like to create. For example, type your home address and format it as you would like it to appear in future emails.
  3. Now, highlight the text and click on the Insert tab, then the Quick Parts drop down then Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery (or, if you like keyboard shortcuts, simply hit Alt+F3)
  4. Name your new Quick Part, something like ‘Home Address’, and click OK.
  5. Now, whenever you wish to insert your home address, just click on the Quick Parts drop down under the Insert tab and select from the available quick parts. Easy!

    Available Quick Parts

  6. Repeat steps 2-4 for every Quick Part you’d like to create.

Handy eh? Now you’ve discovered Quick Parts you’ll never look back!

For more details visit this site.