Tag: career

  • Is Your Chosen Career Heading for Extinction?

    A question from the future: “Grandad, is it really true that people used to fly planes and work in shops? We’re learning about it at school.” Change is everywhere in a technology-charged world. Many of the jobs people do have changed or disappeared completely in recent years, and some will be barely remembered a few years…

  • Using LinkedIn Better and More Cheaply

    Change is never easy, is it? But if there’s one New Year’s resolution I’m proudly sticking to, it’s the one about making better use of LinkedIn to manage my personal brand and find like-minded people to support me in my work. And, for many smart people, using LinkedIn better takes little more than remembering to use the…

  • The demise of the company man: job tenure in free-fall

    The February 2012 edition of Fast Company has a fascinating article (now available online here) about the ways career patterns are shifting in our rapidly changing world. And this state of flux has profound implications for marketers, not only as they plan out their own careers, but also as they consider how to reach and…

  • Career choices for the corporate social strategist

    If, like me, your work calls on you to provide guidance and insights into the directions the social web is taking us, you may wish to spend a little time this festive season pondering where your career could take you. Jeremiah Owyang of http://www.web-strategist.com recently posted a thought-provoking piece on the two career paths open…