One competition, three great marketing lessons
Copyblogger.com recently ran a competition with MarketingExperiments inviting people to submit email subject line ideas to help them promote a conference. First up, their approach is really clever because it engaged the community with their message at very little cost or effort. Entries were made through the comments section of a blog post which included…
7 tips for winning attention online
If you want your online content to be found, you need to make it attractive to both humans and search engines. One or the other is good, but both is close to awesome. Because, the fact is, no matter how wondrous you think your online creation is, it only becomes truly great when people find…
6 tips: Put an end to writer’s block on the web
We’ve all done it. Stared at our blog or favourite social networking site and wondered what on earth we could write that the world would want to read. With so much information at our mouse-fingertips, writing on the web should be easy, but it isn’t. That empty screen with a flashing cursor can be just…