Why women are easy and size matters for men
In the categories labelled “Gross Generalisations” and “Blindingly Obvious” I present to you, dear reader, proof of what you may have suspected all along: men and women are very different, and women crack sooner under the advertiser’s spell. A study by comScore of 292 television ad copy tests shows that women are more likely to…
UK population mapped: It’s true, we Brits retire to the coast
Data, data everywhere, but not a drop to drink… Like most marketers, I love a good dataset. And the latest batch from the Office of National Statistics shows how the UK population has changed in recent years. The DataBlog team at The Guardian have mapped some of the key stats, including this interesting view showing…
News Flash: our news habits are changing
Gosh, these data bring things into sharp focus! We all know that our information discovery and consumption habits are going through some pretty seismic changes, but new data from the Pew Research Center in the US show how rapidly this change has come about. In 2010, the Internet surpassed TV as the main source of…