Tag: social network

  • Two Billion People and Counting

    Two Billion People and Counting

    When a young Mark Zuckerberg gave ‘theFacebook’ its debut at Harvard College in February 2004, few would have dared imagine it could ever turn a profit, let alone survive for more than a few years. Yet here we are, almost 5,000 days later, and Facebook, as it’s now known the world over, has just steamrollered…

  • Updates in the new LinkedIn desktop experience

    Microsoft secured final regulatory approval of its $26.2 billion cash-only acquisition of LinkedIn in December 2016, and the social network has already undergone some substantial changes. There’s an all-new look for desktop users. Out goes that tired, dated menu bar, and in comes a new, simplified iconography-based navigation bar.   LinkedIn’s messaging tools also now…

  • Pinterest: the ideal home for my social web infographics collection

    Pinterest has sparked fevered excitement amongst marketers in recent weeks. The pinboard-based photo-sharing website first launched quietly in late 2009 but was only recently opened up to invitation only registration. But since late last year, the site’s traffic has grown on a near-exponential curve. ComScore recently recorded monthly unique visitors in the US at 11.7 million, making Pinterest the…