The Misery of Multiple Messages
It’s often the most long-in-the-tooth marketing principles that are the most misused or ignored. Who’s got time these days for old-style thinking? It’s the digital era, grandad! Surely fresh, breakthrough approaches are needed, not methods built on decades of wisdom and experience? A quick glance at any email inbox will illustrate how so many marketers…
The Wild Orange Media Caper and Something New
Since starting the company five years ago, the one question I’ve been asked more than any other is: “Why is your business called Wild Orange Media?” And since 2012, I’ve responded with a fairly uninteresting explanation, all the time quietly wishing I had dreamt up a more creative, inspiring backdrop to the company’s inception. In…
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I love using Signals by Hubspot. It helps me see when people open my emails and how often they do so. And it’s free for up to 200 notifications per month. You can sign up here. (my referral link) But that’s not what this blog post is about. I’d like to share some findings that the team…
Little Delights and Why It Pays to Sweat The Small Stuff
My first boss drummed into me the importance of paying great attention to detail in everything I did. But little details, he told me, are especially important when working on designs for products and communications materials. So it was great delight that I was recently introduced to a lovely site called Little Big Details, which…
Common Website Mistakes To Avoid
We all see a lot of websites these days. But how often do you find yourself on a new site wondering what the company actually does or wants you to do next? It’s an all too common problem. In our haste to build websites, we often forget to look at the initial designs through our…