Category: Design

  • The Misery of Multiple Messages

    The Misery of Multiple Messages

    It’s often the most long-in-the-tooth marketing principles that are the most misused or ignored. Who’s got time these days for old-style thinking? It’s the digital era, grandad! Surely fresh, breakthrough approaches are needed, not methods built on decades of wisdom and experience? A quick glance at any email inbox will illustrate how so many marketers…

  • Updates in the new LinkedIn desktop experience

    Microsoft secured final regulatory approval of its $26.2 billion cash-only acquisition of LinkedIn in December 2016, and the social network has already undergone some substantial changes. There’s an all-new look for desktop users. Out goes that tired, dated menu bar, and in comes a new, simplified iconography-based navigation bar.   LinkedIn’s messaging tools also now…

  • [this subject line intentionally left blank]

    I love using Signals by Hubspot. It helps me see when people open my emails and how often they do so. And it’s free for up to 200 notifications per month. You can sign up here. (my referral link) But that’s not what this blog post is about. I’d like to share some findings that the team…

  • The Blemish Effect and Why Bad Reviews Are Good

    Let’s imagine you are looking to buy a book online. You are trying to choose between two books, neither of which you know much about, other than the information provided on the Amazon site where you are browsing. To help decide which book is best you scroll down to the review section. Based on these…

  • Marketing Week Live presentations

    I gave two keynotes at the recent Marketing Week Live event at London Olympia and am pleased to be able to share the slides with you here. The first includes some broad observations about the changing nature of marketing in the digital era with a focus on the demise of organic reach through social channels…

  • Little Delights and Why It Pays to Sweat The Small Stuff

    My first boss drummed into me the importance of paying great attention to detail in everything I did. But little details, he told me, are especially important when working on designs for products and communications materials. So it was great delight that I was recently introduced to a lovely site called Little Big Details, which…

  • The Power of Listicles and How To Make Yours Better

    Journalists have known it for years and they’ve become a staple of headline writers and bloggers in recent years. But what’s the science behind the listicle’s remarkable success? For the uninitiated, listicle is a derived from the words list and article. It describes a ranked list of items with a snappy title like “10 Fun Ways to Eat…

  • Why Infinite Scrolling May Be Bad For Business

    In our multi-touch, high bandwidth digital world, the number of webpages with infinite scrolling is rising sharply. But it’s not always a good thing as I’ll try to explain in this short blog post. Infinite scrolling, where the page loads continuously as you scroll down, is an appealing feature for web designers looking to maximise…

  • Common Website Mistakes To Avoid

    We all see a lot of websites these days. But how often do you find yourself on a new site wondering what the company actually does or wants you to do next? It’s an all too common problem. In our haste to build websites, we often forget to look at the initial designs through our…