It’s time for a fresh start. That’s why you’ve found me here at an all new blog which, over time, will become the home to my musings about marketing, brands, digital media, and, more than anything, the incredible transformation the marketing world is going through as we shift from shouting to conversing.
I hope that my regular readers at The Useful Technology blog will join me on this new journey. Let me know what you like, hate, or couldn’t care less about. Enjoy the ride!
One response to “Welcome to my world”
Congrats on the big move. If any one it is at the forefront of digital marketing, it is you. I remember you coming to me all those years ago telling me about blog technology and how it could be an effective way for product managers to engage their customers on all of the great things about their products and you led the way by doing with your Useful Technology site. Not all, but many of your colleagues followed your lead including myself. Now, a half decade later, I have 4 blogs (including the top rated one on the Maldives and one of Leadership and Manager featured in Guy Kawasaki’s All Top) and am introducing one to my new company. They have been a powerful way to share and connect. I look the success of your succesor, the ‘Even More Useful Digitall Marketing’ blog.