
Why you’ll love Audiense (formerly SocialBro)

SocialBro is now AudienseLast week SocialBro, a Twitter and Instagram audience insight and monitoring platform, rebranded as Audiense. Once you get past the post-modern deliberate misspelling* of a well-known word, I think you’re going to enjoy finding out more about this tool.

First up, aside from the free Twitter Analytics tool, the best bits of Audiense have to be paid for. So you’re going to need some budget before you can get the most out of it. You can request a free 14 day trial via https://buy.audiense.com/trial/new, but monthly fees will soon kick in. There are payment plans to suit different usage needs. It’s not cheap, but it may prove worth it. Here are the pricing options for Audiense:

Audiense Pricing

(pricing correct at 14 March 2016)

Audiense allows you to deep mine your communities of followers (and those you follow yourself) to extract insights about them so you can better nurture relationships. For example, you could filter your list of followers across multiple dimensions including their level of online influence, the time since their last tweet, or their language settings to identify a specific sub-segment that you could target with tailored content. In fact, there are more than a dozen filters you can instantly use to analyse your audience right out of the box:

Audiense Filtering

Other useful tools include real time mining of complex queries to extract audience or campaign insights,  best time to tweet reports, real-time analytics so you can see which of your followers are actively using social media right now, and follower retention/churn reporting.

The Audiense platform provides a powerful set of tools for digital marketing professionals looking to go beyond the basics of social media community building. There’s so much to discover, it’s impossible for me to describe it all. So, the best way is to simply have a play yourself.

Taking the platform for a spin will be a good use of any spare hour of your time.

To learn more, check out the training webinars at http://userguide.socialbro.com/socialbro-webinars/. As you can imagine, the team at Audiense is busy rebranding all their training and support materials, so expect things to look a little messy for a few weeks.

Good luck with all your social media work!


* The awkward ‘s’ in Audiense apparently harks back to the company’s ‘Social’ media roots. Put that in your ‘Digital Marketing Pub Quiz’ memory bank and you’ll be sure to #win!