Social Media usage: the slowdown continues

3Q 2010 social media users

More evidence emerges of the slowdown in social media adoption, this time in the form of SocialMediaToday’s 3Q Update which uses Google AdPlanner data to assess the reach and age profile of the users of the most popular social networks.


  • Facebook active user count falls from 550 to 540 million
  • Age group 55yrs+ shrinks to just 10% of all Facebook users (down from 16% in the 1st quarter of 2010)
  • Facebook gender mix remains slightly biased towards women (57%)
  • Twitter users are stuck at 98 million, up just 2 million on the previous quarter (note: only tracks visitors to the Twitter site, not users on other client apps like Seesmic)
  • Twitter’s age profile is getting younger with 0-34 years accounting for 47% of users (up from 37% six months ago)
  • MySpace is stable at 67 million users
  • LinkedIn is stable at 41 million users

Read the full report at