Tag: marketing

  • Channel Amnesia and Buyer Journeys

    Channel Amnesia and Buyer Journeys

    There’s a powerful phenomenon developing that I’ve been observing in recent years. As our internet-connected devices become ever more intimate, the content they provide has to also become more personalised and tailored to our desires. We’ve grown used to getting near-instant answers to every question, often with little more than a few keystrokes or a brief…

  • [this subject line intentionally left blank]

    I love using Signals by Hubspot. It helps me see when people open my emails and how often they do so. And it’s free for up to 200 notifications per month. You can sign up here. (my referral link) But that’s not what this blog post is about. I’d like to share some findings that the team…

  • Marketing Ethics Interview on Cambridge Marketing Review

    Shortly after giving a recent keynote speech for the Chartered Institute of Marketing at their annual Digital Conference in Cambridge I was interviewed by Kiran Kapur of Star 107.9 FM. My talk had been about the importance of marketing ethics and transparency, and the CIM’s Keep Social Honest campaign, and that’s exactly what Kiran wanted…

  • The Blemish Effect and Why Bad Reviews Are Good

    Let’s imagine you are looking to buy a book online. You are trying to choose between two books, neither of which you know much about, other than the information provided on the Amazon site where you are browsing. To help decide which book is best you scroll down to the review section. Based on these…

  • Make Marketing Noble, Keep Social Honest

    I’ve been banging on for ages about the importance of making marketing an honourable, noble profession. And I’m delighted that my friends at the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) have picked up this mission with their latest campaign entitled ‘Keep Social Honest’. From research carried out in March and April this year by YouGov across…

  • Why Length Matters in Online Content

    The well-worn phrase “Size Doesn’t Matter” has no place in the digital marketer’s toolbox. Size, I’m slightly saddened to report, is everything. Get it wrong and your content simply won’t get consumed. Get it right and you could give your content a precious extra lift, boosting clicks, conversions and, ultimately, sales. Kevan Lee at Buffer recently…

  • You Need To See The Hottest Words in Viral Headlines

    Knowing how to write a killer headline, subject line or tweet can make the difference between success and failure for your content marketing efforts. The simple truth is, it doesn’t matter how great your content is; if readers don’t get past the headline they’ll never know. Ripenn recently collated 2,616 headlines from four popular sites…

  • Data Sharing and The Generational Divide

    I wrote recently about the importance of ‘Giving then Receiving‘, reminding marketers to give something to their audience before asking for personal data. It works, and I’ve been touched by the messages I received from you sharing your experiences of testing this approach. New data from Mintel in the USA should provide further encouragement if…

  • There’s No Such Thing as a Digital Marketer

    I’ve never felt very comfortable with the label ‘Digital Marketer.’ And to reflect this, I’ve been describing myself as “A Marketer in a Digital World” for about 5 years now, a badge I have worn with pride. But even this is starting to feel a little behind the times. The world is certainly digital, with…

  • Friction Free Forms for Marketing Ninjas

    Happy New Year! I’ve written before about the dangers of asking too much of your site visitors before you have established a meaningful, value-based relationship with them. Now Lisa Margetis at Singlehop has reminded me of the importance of keeping any “asks” you must make of your customers as simple and pain-free as possible.