Little Delights and Why It Pays to Sweat The Small Stuff
My first boss drummed into me the importance of paying great attention to detail in everything I did. But little details, he told me, are especially important when working on designs for products and communications materials. So it was great delight that I was recently introduced to a lovely site called Little Big Details, which…
Delightful Creativity from Putpockets
There’s a very common mental state we experience every day of our lives that makes us greatly underestimate the likelihood of something bad happening to us. Psychologists call it the ‘normalcy bias’, and it’s a pretty helpful thing. Without it, we would be less able to relax and enjoy our lives. Instead, we’d live in…
Being Creative Coffee Shop Style
Open plan office workers know how hard it can be to focus on work tasks when surrounded by the hustle and bustle of office life. But researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered that working on creative tasks amidst ambient background noise can actually boost our creative ability. In scientific tests carried out on…
The Best Annual Report Ever?
Warby Parker is an eyewear retailer based out of New York , USA. They have recently released the first Annual Report I’ve actually enjoyed reading. See for yourself at http://www.warbyparker.com/annual-report-2012. What a great way to engage an audience. Good work!