How to Assess the Impact of Stopping Search Advertising: a Google Study
It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to root out the motivation behind Google’s latest research finding that advertisers who stop buying paid ads on Google’s search engine lose lots of search engine clicks. So, in this post I’ll take a look at the research to help you navigate your way through the data. First up, Google’s…
Why women are easy and size matters for men
In the categories labelled “Gross Generalisations” and “Blindingly Obvious” I present to you, dear reader, proof of what you may have suspected all along: men and women are very different, and women crack sooner under the advertiser’s spell. A study by comScore of 292 television ad copy tests shows that women are more likely to…
“Things we’ve learnt about Communication” NEW Microsoft Research report
An insight-packed report from the Socio-Digital Systems group of Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK landed on my desk today. In reading it, I rediscovered why communicating means so much more than simply transferring information from one entity to another. I was reminded that sometimes communicating over a distance is preferable to talking face-to-face, and I…
Google Instant: How paid search has changed
The jury’s still out on the long term usefulness and practical implications of Google Instant, the new feature rolled out in early September that shows search results as you type. Many have described the feature as an unwanted distraction, while others have heralded its launch as the death of SEO. New data from Marin Software…