Tag: tips

  • Buffer for Not for Profits (half price)

    I remain a big fan of Buffer, the social media posting tool that makes it easy to cue up posts to social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn , and then drips them out to your desired schedule. Having the ability to schedule posts like this is an important way to maintain posting momentum to selected channels…

  • Become A Twitter Ninja

    It’s been quiet on our blog recently. That’s because we’ve been really busy. But when times get hectic, as the old mantra goes, there’s no point working harder, you need to work smarter. And that’s why I loved revisiting a post from the Buffer Blog from earlier this year in which Neil Patel shared a collection of…

  • 3 Simple Steps to Creating Daily Content Gold

    We’ve all been there; it’s every community manager’s nightmare. Staring at that blank screen, racking your brain for fresh ideas about what to post to your social networks today. When writer’s block strikes sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away and formulate a new plan on how to avoid an idea logjam…

  • One Way To Get Retweeted: “Act Normal”

    I enjoyed reading Pam Moore’s latest article on Social Media Today that lists 55 ways to get retweeted. But what struck me most was that nearly all of the tips relate to one simple principle: “be a nice human being”. Sure, there are some techniques like sharing ‘how to’ advice that often work well but,…

  • Daft Ideas for Social Media: Post each update everywhere

    It’s tempting when using social media networks to want to simultaneously post each update to lots of networks. It’s a great time-saver and applications like Tweetdeck and Seesmic can even automate this task for you completely. But are you sure you want to post the exact same update to lots of networks? While this might…

  • How to deal with negative reviews

    Business people I meet often complain to me that they are wary of the social web because it makes it too easy for people to leave negative reviews. That’s true, but if your stuff stinks, what did you really expect? People have always complained about bad experiences. It’s just a whole lot easier and much…

  • 7 tips for winning attention online

    If you want your online content to be found, you need to make it attractive to both humans and search engines. One or the other is good, but both is close to awesome. Because, the fact is, no matter how wondrous you think your online creation is, it only becomes truly great when people find…

  • Getting to ‘Like’: 20 Great Places to do it

    In my last post, I wrote about the importance of gaining ‘Likes’ from people on social networking sites and highlighted how not to do it. But many other businesses are also guilty of failing to attract ‘Likes’ in the right way. Consider, for example, this pieces of copy I saw recently on a direct mail…

  • 20 Tips for a successful Twitter Chat

    Twitter Chats (sometimes called Twitter Tweet Chats) are gaining in popularity because they provide a convenient way for organisations and groups to interact in real time with other people. Even pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca is getting in on the act, and so could you. But there’s no guidebook to steer you through your first Twitter Chat…